Ellie Wood – President/ Vice President

Bernice Fagen – Treasurer

Carol Meyer – Secretary

Sheila Eisen, Jessie Wagstrom, Nancy Byrne, Carol Piironen, Holly Dalson, Marlene Carlson, Lill Boutin.

WELCA-Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of All Saints

As a community of women
Created in the image of God
Called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,
Empowered by the Holy Sprit.

We commit ourselves to
Grow in faith,
Affirm our gifts,
Support one another in our callings.
Engage in ministry and action.
Promote healing and wholeness in the Church, the society, and the world.

WELCA continues to support Ponca House as an outreach to our community.

We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 11:00am in Fellowship Hall.